$54 THE GROSS OF PEACE were watching a world sinking into economic ruin, national barriers which prevented all flow of trade, millions of men out of work in all countries, with money losing its purchasing power, with producers unable to sdB the fruits of the earth to hungry populations, with deb& crushing down upon the human drudge, creating an intoleiw able heritage for posterity, without any control of these forces of unreason, or any serious attempt to avert the downfall of European culture 'The hands of the old men * said Alphonse Ghartier "are weak on the reins of the fiery horses in this chariot race towards a bottomless pit It is for youth to seize those rexas and to check this stampede It is tune for us to assert our leadership and to establish a new order in the \\orld I a&i a Frenchman I see before me the hereditary enemies of my race I am their hereditary enemy My father and fors fathers have fought yours on many battlefields But it & ancient history It is the history of humanity in the day* of tnbal conflict Surely now \vc have got beyond all that, after the lesson of the last war in which our fathers and our dtd& brothers died * Science has given us new and enoraota powers which may be used for destruction or for the advaaige of human happiness How are we going to use them ? Shall we destroy each other because of old and foolish feuda because of national arrogance and pride, or shall we male them the tools of a finer and nobler civilization ? "I am a Frenchman I speak here among other French men of my age I hold out rny hands to you young Germaas to you Englishmen, in a spirit of comradeship, without aeny sinister memones of ancient enmity, and plead with you to forget the past, to think only of the future, to join in a forward march towards a new era in which intelligence will tafe ccmtrol and nations will obey a common law for the preserve tioxi pf peace and the defence of justice Here, before yew all* I pledge my soul to peace, for which I am ready te suffer or die as men have died for war There is no